

下一集:《西藏公路》 星期四 晚上9:30




    《老外游长江》是一连六集的纪录片。这位老外是谁?就是荷兰籍摄影师、记者兼医生泰嘉儒(Ruben Terlou)。说来挺有趣,他在荷兰长大,但竟然感到跟中国有份错过了的缘分与中国结下了不解之缘。他自幼已经梦想成为一位摄影记者,渴望可以越洋过海看看荷兰以外的世界。他19岁那年毅然到中国学习中文,两年后回荷兰,在不情愿的情况下入读医学院,放弃了自己多年的梦想。

    "Along the banks of the Yangtze” is a six-episode documentary series. Who will take us to travel along the banks of this river?  It is the Dutch photographer, journalist and medical doctor, Ruben Terlou.  Although he was raised in Netherlands, he had a keen feeling for China.  Fueled by the inspiration of becoming a photographer and travelling across the oceans to exotic countries, he went to China to learn its language when he turned 19.   Two years later, he had to put his dream behind reluctantly and return to Netherlands to study medicine.
    Life is full of surprises.  Decades later, Terlou could eventually put his feet on the land of China again as a photographer and journalist.  In these six episodes, he would bring the audience to visit the popular cities along the banks of Yangtze River - Shanghai, Wuhand, Nanjing, Yichang, Chongquing and Shangri-La.  He would also capture the new faces of China with his camera from his personal, if not arbitrary perspective, to understand and interpret the challenges that the new generation of this country is facing.